As the complex era draws to a close, the age of the hiplex 8400H has already begun!

“Everything that has a beginning also has an end, but what comes to an end usually also continues in some form!”
So too in this case, because we are informing you today that all approvals of our long-standing successful product, the intruder alarm control panel complex 400H, will come to an end on November 30, 2024 after 21 years on the market. The approvals for the day alarm TG1 (all variants) and the power supply units NT 7500, NT 400, and NTZ 400 (Art. No. 100046130, 100046062, 100046063, and 100046064) will also expire at the same time. The day alarm module TM2 C2B (Art. No. 100075734) will be assigned VdS class B.
In compliance with VdS, systems equipped with these products can be certified for a further 6 months from the end of November 2024 (transition period according to VdS 2344, section 5.8.3 until the end of May 2025). Incidentally, the control panels compact easy and complex 200H will retain VdS classes Home and A until the end of 2026.
This is really a reason to celebrate, because the future has already begun: more powerful, more user-friendly, and with new products as well as new features that you will love!
That’s because we are offering you successor products and solutions in the form of the intrusion and hazard alarm control panel hiplex 8400H and its components. The upcoming feature package F12 offers full wireless integration into this system!
Book your hiplex training course now – we have scheduled the hiplex training campaign with additional dates for both – newcomers or for those who are switching over (from the complex).
With the F12 feature package, the intruder alarm control panel hiplex 8400H breaks new ground with a broader functional scope than the complex control panel and full wireless integration – see the overview/comparison of technical features below:

The following diagram shows the timeline for expiring approvals and the planned market launch of successor products:

Download brochure “Intruder alarm control panel hiplex 8400H” (PDF)
Naturally, we will continue to offer support and repair services for the complex series. For details, please refer to the letter linked below:
Download Letter/information on discontinuation of support and repairs (PDF)
We conclude this news with a quote by John F. Kennedy: “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” Join us on our successful journey – it’s worth it!
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