The server-based management software compasZ 5500 enables complete parameterization and authorization management of the access control unit hilock 5500. It also enables centralized management of all peripheral devices of a TELENOT access control solution.

Even the basic license includes a wide variety of features, such as the online system CDM, the access matrix with time models, timed anti-passback, security levels, the two-man rule principle, and much more. This is more than enough to set up a powerful access control system for many applications.

Maximum flexibility and customization

The management software compasZ 5500 can also be used to realize function, system, and expansion licenses, for example, to implement customized and multi-location projects. Function licenses are licenses that enable the counting function for the project, for example, and only need to be purchased once. System licenses are available for the access control types offline system CDM, online wireless system CDM, and Smartphone Access CDM. Extension licenses are suitable for the flexible expansion of projects or features. As a specialist installer, you can conveniently purchase all license expansions in the online shop in no time at all. It is entirely up to you whether you want to activate the license. You can activate your licenses online or offline without an active Internet connection.

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