Carbon monoxide is highly toxic. A concentration of just 800 ppm (equivalent to 800 milliliters per cubic meter of air) can have a lethal effect within one to three minutes. The TELENOT carbon monoxide detector detects the highly toxic, odorless gas, which is mainly produced by the incomplete combustion of flammable materials in stoves, fireplaces, gas-fired water heaters, and charcoal grills, from concentrations as low as 50 ppm.

Detection even at low concentrations

The carbon monoxide detector CO-ALARM from TELENOT detects the toxic gas at a concentration of 50 ppm in the air. An alarm is triggered if the concentration remains at 300 ppm for more than three minutes. The detector then immediately triggers an audible alarm. A clearly visible red LED also lights up. The CO concentration detected can be read off at any time from an integrated LC display. The carbon monoxide detector is connected to the TELENOT hazard alarm control panels, which ensures that reliable and early alerting takes place throughout the building and that the remote alarm is transmitted to the smartphone or to a permanently staffed control center.

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